The men of the DC chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society are a premier a cappella singing group in the national capital region. We have been ringing chords and entrancing audiences since our founding in 1945. With members ranging in age from the 20s to the 90s, and hailing from a wide range of current or past occupations, we gather every week to share our love of singing a cappella music in the barbershop harmony style.
The Singing Capital Chorus won the Society’s first “official” international chorus competition in 1954 under the direction of Lew Sims. Through more than six decades, the chorus has regularly performed for sporting events, arts festivals, retirement communities, veterans organizations and private and organizational functions. We also compete in Society Division and District contests to continually improve our performing skills.
In addition to the large chorus, the DC chapter can also provide a smaller ensemble as well as several quartets. All the chapter ensembles are actively searching for opportunities to bring Barbershop to the DC area audience.
Guiding Principles
Member Hall of Fame
Chapter History
Remembering Fred Peters (Age 102)